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AGID works with a range of organisations and networks including:

Assistência, Desenvolvimento e Formação Profissional (ADFP)

The ADFP Foundation is Social Solidarity Institution with 32 years of experience and recognized for its public utility. The activities are mainly located in Pinhal Interior, in the region centre of Portugal. Agriculture, Tourism, Social Assistance, Health, Culture, Sports and Education are the areas of activity

that contribute to the cohesion of the territory, combating “desertification” of that region. The Foundation has built a Hospital that is currently closed awaiting for the completion of a cooperation agreement with National Health Services.

The Foundation supports around 600 people, including users in occupational activities, professional training and unemployed with Contracts of Employment-Insertion. 43% of these have chronic disability, including people with cognitive disabilities, 17% are permanent staff, some of whom have senior roles. Including volunteers without any type of compensation and volunteers with a pocket prize, the foundation has over 700 regular employees.

ADFP has an organizational culture that values people’s rights by promoting their dignity. Its main activities include social assistance, health and education. At the same time diversification is fundamental in the growth strategy of the Foundation with job creation, generating inclusive wealth and revenues that make it economically sustainable and less dependent on the State Support. In addition to social structures, ADFP owns equally a Universalist Ecumenical Temple; Serra da Lousã Biological Park; Ecomuseum and Space of the Mind; Living Museum of Arts and Crafts; Hotel Serra da Lousã and Conímbriga Hotel do Paço; Chanfana Museum Restaurant; Honey Museum, Miranda do Corvo Cinema and wine and olive agricultural growing activities. services, health, sport, culture and tourism. It regularly supports around 3400 users, of which 460 are residents. The Foundation runs a refuge for women escaping domestic violence. Between 25-30 women and their children are normally resident in the refuge.

Spherical Pixel

Spherical Pixel, S.L. is a company specialized in the development of advertising and educational videogames established in 2006. During these years they have developed an infinity of educational projects, collaborating with teachers, researchers, doctors, psychologists, and social workers frominstitutions like University of Alicante (UA); Provincial Government of Alicante; Alicante Institute of the Family, Pedro Herrero; European University of Valencia; ITER Project (Police’s itineraries in the multi-professional network for the prevention of juvenile delinquency); Department of Culture of Catalonian Autonomic Government; “la Caixa” Foundation; Spanish Radio and Television Corporation (RTVE); British Broadcasting Corporation (BBC); Telefonica. Examples of Spherical Pixel, S.L. creations are:

Teen City: Dare you do it? Teen City is a videogame for adolescents that is based on social simulation,facing specific situations and taking decisions. Dare you do it? During the game, the user is confronted to different situations and has to be able to face these situations.

Quest for Knowledge.For this educative experience, we developed a videogame, to serve as a support for learning English language vocabulary. For this, we made an online casual game formedby three mini-games, that let the user practice with the vocabulary learned in the classroom.

Que tiemble el camino.A group of people suffering from Parkinson’s disease face their limitations and travel the Way of St. James. With this premise, the production company Barret Films filmed a documentary that premieres on RTVE. It is a transmedia project in which Spherical Pixel took part in the interactive and gamification side, making a videogame that reflected patient’s limitations in their everyday life.

Κεντρο Θεραπειασ Εξαρτημενων Ατομων (KETHEA)

KETHEA is an NGO with special consultative status with the United Nations Economic and Social Council (ECOSOC) and one of the principal implementation bodies of the Greek national strategy on drugs, is the largest Greek network of addiction treatment, rehabilitation and social reintegration services. It has been supporting drug users and their families since the foundation of the first Greek Therapeutic Community, in 1983.

KETHEA offers its services within community, prison and residential settings, and has the capacity to respond to clients with diverse needs, including adults, adolescents, parents, immigrants, refugees, prison inmates, released prisoners, alcoholics, gamblers and pathological internet users, at every stage of their

recovery. KETHEA programmes are drug-free and offer a comprehensive range of services which seek to help the individual recover and build a new life for themselves in which they participate in society productively and on equal terms. KETHEA provides counselling and drug treatment, family support, health care, education and training, legal support and assistance reintegrating into society and re-entering the world of work. KETHEA’s aims are full and sustained abstinence from substances for the individual and their equitable reintegration into society.

One Terrene International

One Terrene International, in short OTI, is the parent/umbrella of an international network of organisations involved in adult education and youth work in a variety of fields in Europe. OTI currently hosts and manages serveral non-profit social enterprises namely,, ,, OTI, OCS.otinternational and other.The organisation was born in 2009 in London, UK and in 2011 in Cyprus and now its network has spread out to more than 14 countries including but not limited to Greece, Italy, Hungary, Romania, Slovakia and other OTI locals in EU and non EU countries. The organisation has strong partnerships with Eastern European Partnership countries and EUROMED countries as well.

Tiber Umbria Comett Education Programme

TUCEP – Tiber Umbria Comett Education Programme is a no profit Association of twelve Italian Universities and numerous Enterprises, and Public Authorities; it was created in 1992 under the EU COMETT Programme, the Community Programme on cooperation between universities and enterprises regarding training in the field of research, innovation and technology The mission of TUCEP is to foster and develop collaboration between universities and the world of work through the implementation of research and training projects aimed at promoting innovation and quality in education and training, promoting social inclusion, entrepreneurship and European values at regional, national, European level. The main activities of TUCEP are the organization and the management of training courses at national and European levels for youth and adults, included trainers, teachers and school students.

Centrul Pentru Promovarea Invatarii Permanente Timisoara Asociatia

Centrul Pentru Promovarea Invatarii Permanente is a Romanian NGO that works in Lifelong Learning since 2005. CPIP is committed to mainstreaming the principle of equal opportunities for all citizens in the public policies and associated practices, as an integral part of democratization and the creation of an open society, to re-define the status of community co-production in all areas related to lifelong learning. We support initiatives and run programs and projects that aim at cooperating and innovating for good practices in this field. This is done by taking part at diverse European initiatives and then mainstreaming in the regional activities the developed products and results. Our organization supports initiatives and runs programs and projects that aim at cooperating and innovating for good practices. CPIP’s main objective is to promote the lifelong learning through all relevant stakeholders.

Arcola Research LLP

Arcola is an independent research organisation based in London, UK. Arcola has particular expertise in research and evaluation methodologies and an established track record in working with marginalised and excluded groups and communities, including NEET, older people, females, immigrants and BAME – in particular young people who are disadvantaged and marginalised. Arcola has extensive experience and expertise in designing and implementing action research projects, using collaborative and participatory

methods, including ‘design thinking’. Another strand of work covered by Arcola involves a wide range of developing, implementing and evaluating education and training projects across all sectors, including schools, VET, adult non-formal and higher education. It belongs to an extensive network of local, national and EU organisations and networks working in the education, training, inclusion and youth fields.

Catholic University of Portugal (UCP).

The Portuguese Catholic University (UCP) is a non-state university. UCP was founded in 1967 and gained official recognition in 1971. It was the first modern Portuguese university not to be founded by the State, teaching and services.Teaching at UCP – which has awarded degrees to around 20,000 students over the past 45 years – aims to combine academic excellence and education in human values. UCP has a regional structure. Although it is just one university, it is made up of four major regional centres. CEPCEP (Study Centre on Peoples and Cultures) is a research centre of the Portuguese Catholic University, established in February 1983. CEPCEP pursues the development of culture, knowledge, advanced research, and co-operation in the intellectual, artistic, technological and scientific fields, bringing together people from different walks in life and from various continents. In accordance with its charter, CEPCEP aims at furthering the understanding of human and cultural interactions throughout the world and the collaboration in the advancement of knowledge in all fields related to human and social behaviour.

Smart Bananas

The company is composed of a core group of five senior professionals with diversified and complementary skills that cover both the business sector and the VET & school education sector, and a large network of collaborators in the fields of social, organizational and educational research.

We at Smart Bananas know what a business is because all of us have prior work experience in SMEs, and we know what VET is because we have also worked in the VET industry. Thanks to our expertise we can provide bespoke training and consultancy based on the needs and peculiarities of each organization and the characteristics, needs and aspirations of the people who work in it. The philosophy behind the Smart Bananas’ training and consultancy approach is that people, and not products or markets, are at the heart of the development of any organization, and therefore all people – regardless of their industry and job profile – should be empowered and encouraged to improve their own skills and their working condition from the point of view of occupational and personal well-being which feeds the organizational well-being. Smart Bananas operate on the private market offering the following services:

• integrated training and consulting on business organization, effective communication, leadership,

customer experience and productivity

• integrated training and consulting on digital transition aimed at increasing organisational well-being

• “Happiness at Work” courses and in partnership with Prof. Raj Raghunatan’s Happiness Academy –

University of Skovde

The University of Skövde is a government agency, under the Department of Education in Sweden. The Vice-Chancellor is the head of the agency, with about 550 employees and 9000 students. The University has specialized in informatics, and also oversees several innovative educational programs, including distance education at the bachelors’ and masters’ levels.Digitalisation for sustainable development is an umbrella initiative at the University of Skövde. Efforts to explore the opportunities and risks associated with digitalisation in the creation of a sustainable society act as a bridge between the different areas of the University of Skövde, with each area of the university offering its expertise.

University of Salamanca

The University of Salamanca (USAL), founded in 1218 and one of the oldest Universities in Europe, is today a modern European University, boasting a wide range of Faculties and Research Institutes in Sciences and Arts. USAL offers a wide range of Studies to about 26.000 pregraduate students every year (with the second highest international community in Spain), plus about 2.600 post-graduate ones; it contracts 2.200 researches, who are distributed in 57 University Departments, 26 Faculties and Universities Schools, 12 Research Institutes and 10 Research Centres. USAL is recognized as one of the most outstanding Spanish universities in both national and international rankings. In 2011, it was awarded the Campus of International Excellence status considering its high quality and excellence in teaching, training, researching activities and academic life. In the Humanities, USAL holds an indisputable international prestige in areas of research and teaching innovation (e.g. according to rankings, the English Department of the University of Salamanca has consistently maintained the number one place in all its national listings). In the field of health sciences, USAL holds an extensive experience and tradition of research with institutes, where basic, clinical and translational biomedical research activities of USAL.