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Title: Mobilising Youth and Youth Service Talent through Immersive Co-design

Acronym: MYSTIC

Summary of the project

Young people with fewer opportunities from ‘left-behind communities’ are hard to reach and engage with. The solution to this circular and self-defeating problem is first, to bring the missing skills to youth workers and volunteers and, second, support young people from left-behind communities to themselves become community leaders.

Duration: 01/12/2022 to 30/11/2024
Funder: European Education and Culture Executive Agency (EACEA)
Value: €499,850


  • To train youth workers and volunteers as 'Community Mediators'
  • To train young people with fewer opportunities to become 'Community Leaders'
  • To set up 'Co-Design Labs' for them to work together to address problems of trans-national yet local interest
  • To consolidate project results and learning in an 'Open Toolkit'


  • Develop a blended training programme
  • Pilot and evaluate the programme
  • Run Community Co-Labs and action research projects in them
  • Deliver outreach, dissemination and sustainability activities

Project Beneficiaries

  • Professional youth workers/volunteers
  • Young people aged 18 to 30 with fewer opportunities
  • Youth organisations, policy-makers, research communities

Expected Results

  • 50 youth workers/volunteers and 50 young people complete the programme
  • 25 community-based projects co-designed
  • youth workers work more effectively with young people from 'left behind' communities
  • EU youth organisations increase their innovation, reach, relevance and quality
  • Young people with fewer opportunities become catalysts to improve the life chances of their peers increased community social capitalbetter targeted and more focused youth policy


  • MYSTIC developmental and training programme combining on-line Foundation course and interactive game, with an immersive
  • Residential mobility programme incorporating interactive workops, case-based practical exercises and an ‘outward bound’ element to challenge participants and get them to think out of the box
  • 4 Co-Labs set up in different EU locations
  • ‘Open Toolkit’ – including Catalogue of good practice cases on what works, policy recommendations, design templates and tools and detailed evaluation results.

Partners:  MYSTIC is coordinated by AGID, Portugal. Partners: One Terreine International (Cyprus); TUCEP (Italy); Spherical Pixel (Spain); Kethea (Greece); CPIP (Romania); ADFP (Portugal)

Funding: Funded by the European Union – Erasmus+